10 Tips To Selling Your NDIS Business For Profit

Are you looking to sell your NDIS business? Then read on! We have put together a list of tips to help you sell your business successfully.

So you have an NDIS business for sale? Great! Here are ten tips to help you sell your NDIS business for profit.

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

NDIS is a government-funded scheme established in 2013 to help Australians living with a disability. The scheme provides support and funding to people with long-term disabilities, their families and carers.

NDIS is open to everyone who needs it, no matter how much money they have. It covers everything from costs like accommodation and equipment to financial assistance and support services.

The NDIS is available in all states and territories and helps people of all ages get the support they need. It's also been proven cost-effective – compared to other forms of disability support; it's cheaper for the government to fund the NDIS than traditional methods like social security benefits or health insurance.

1: Know What Your NDIS Business is Worth

If your NDIS business is for sale, you may wonder about your worth. To get a good idea of what you're worth, it's essential to take into account the following: 

Business size

A small NDIS business might only have a few employees, whereas a larger company might have hundreds or even thousands. 


Specific industries are more valuable than others, e.g. technology companies are typically more valuable than clothing companies. 


Businesses in high-traffic areas tend to be more valuable than NDIS businesses in low-traffic areas. 


Suppose your NDIS business is in an industry that is already hotly contested by competitors. In that case, your value may be lower than if you sell an innovative product or service that has not been offered before.

I'm glad I found NDISForSale.com when thinking about selling my NDIS business. The brokers were very helpful and knowledgeable. They helped me sell my business for a great price. I would definitely recommend NDIS For Sale to anyone looking to buy an NDIS business.

smiling man standing between brown concrete buildings at daytime

2: Prepare A Marketing Plan For Your NDIS Business For Sale

If you are thinking of selling your NDIS business, it is essential to have a plan in place. When planning your marketing strategy, you will need to consider many things, including your target market, what channels you will use to reach them, and the price point you are comfortable with. You may also consider creating a budget and timeline for your campaign. Once you have a plan in place, follow it closely and track results so you can make the necessary adjustments.

Get Professional Help

If you are new to the NDIS business world or have limited experience, it may be helpful to consult with a professional. A consultant can provide guidance and support through the entire sales process, from researching your industry and target market to developing a marketing plan and executing your campaign.

Price Your Business Appropriately

Before pricing your NDIS business for sale, it is essential to understand your competitors' prices and how much value they offer. You also need to consider the cost of goods and services in your local market.

Understand The NDIS System

It is essential to have a good understanding of the NDIS system to price your NDIS business correctly. This includes understanding your customer base, their needs, and what services are available through the NDIS. You will also need to know how much you can expect to make over a year.

Work With A Professional Consultant

Working with a professional consultant is advisable if you are unfamiliar with the NDIS or marketing strategy. They can help you develop a tailored plan for your NDIS business and ensure that all aspects of your campaign are correctly executed. They can also guide pricing and other critical elements of your sale.

  • Get a consultation from a professional consultant to help you with your NDIS business.

  • Consultants can help you with various issues, including marketing, finance, and legal advice.

  • They can also guide how to improve your NDIS business operations.

  • Get the help you need from a professional consultant to make your NDIS business thrive.

I found NDIS For Sale while searching for a broker to help me sell my NDIS business. I was impressed with their professionalism and knowledge of the NDIS market which included the PRODA & Commissioner Portal transition. They had qualified buyers on their database who were searching for my type of NDIS with the registration groups I had and helped me negotiate a fair price for my business. I would recommend them to anyone looking to sell their NDIS business.

Make Your NDIS Business More Visible

One way to raise your value is to make your NDIS business more visible. This can be done through marketing efforts, including online and offline advertising and developing a solid brand. You may also want to consider franchising your NDIS business.

  • Use social media

  • Have a website

  • Get listed in directories

  • Develop a marketing plan

  • Buy ready-made NDIS articles for sale

Target Your Ideal Customer Base

Once you have identified your ideal customer base, it is important to target them effectively. This includes developing targeted marketing campaigns and advertising that speaks to their needs and interests. It is also essential to keep in mind the importance of price when selling your NDIS business.

Create A Fanbase

Building a fanbase is one of the best ways to generate leads and strengthen your position in the market. This can be done by providing valuable content that is interesting and useful, as well as engaging with your audience on social media platforms. Keeping prices low enough so customers feel comfortable investing in your services is also vital.

man walking while holding black coat

3: Get The Right Price

When selling an NDIS business, it is essential to determine the right price for the assets. The following tips can help you choose the right price: 

Determine the market value of the assets

This will help you understand what an appropriate price would be. 

Review recent sales of similar NDIS businesses

This will give you an idea of what prices to expect. 

Consider factors such as age, location, and NDIS business size.

These factors can impact pricing.

Research The Competition

It is essential to know your competition to position your NDIS business well. This can be done by researching the market, marketing strategies, and customer base. It is also helpful to benchmark your prices against those of your rivals.

Create A Compelling Sales Pitch

Your sales pitch should be easy to understand and persuasive. It should highlight the unique selling points of your NDIS business and why customers should invest in it. You should also avoid using clichés or standard sales pitches.

I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to sell their NDIS business.

person using laptop computer

4: Set Up An Account For Your Business In Escrow

NDIS business for sale can be a great way to start your own NDIS business, but you need to set up an account to do so.

NDIS is a secure platform that allows NDIS businesses to manage their finances, track their sales performance, and more. If you're ready to set up your account and sell your products or services, visit the NDIS website today!

oval brown wooden conference table and chairs inside conference room

5: Create A Website For Your Business

NDIS business for sale can be a great way to get your NDIS business online and visible to potential customers.

There are many different ways to create a website for your NDIS business, and the choice depends on what you want your website to do and how much money you want to spend. Websites can be created using various software applications, so choosing one appropriate for your NDIS business and meeting your needs is essential.

Some standard features of websites include an online presence, contact information, product listings, pricing information, photos, and videos. Depending on your NDIS business type, you may need other features like e-commerce capabilities or marketing tools.

Creating a website is not difficult, but it does require some planning and preparation. If you're ready to start, many online resources can help guide you through the process.

MacBook Pro on table beside white iMac and Magic Mouse

Domain name and hosting

Choose a domain name and host it with a reputable provider.

Website design and template selection

Find an affordable website design company or create your own using free or paid templates.

Social media integration and marketing tools

Sign up for popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and use powerful marketing tools to grow your following.

E-commerce capabilities

Choose an e-commerce platform to build your online store, add products, and manage orders.

Customer support

Choose a customer support provider that offers 24/7 coverage, provides helpful resources and responds quickly to customer inquiries.

Security and privacy

Protect your NDIS business information with robust security measures and keep your customers' personal information confidential

Tax planning and compliance

Consult with a tax advisor to understand your NDIS business tax liabilities and make necessary adjustments

Employee training and development 

Ensure your employees are updated on the latest NDIS business practices and technologies.

Business Insurance

Protect your NDIS business from costly losses due to accidents, theft, or natural disasters.

Ongoing NDIS business support

Ensure you access experienced NDIS business professionals to help you grow your NDIS business.

6: Put Out Signs And Postcards

If you are considering putting your NDIS business on the market, you can do a few things to ensure it is as successful as possible. One of the most important things you can do is put out signs and postcards in your area.

This will let people know that your NDIS business is up for sale and allow them to come in and see what you offer. Additionally, keep an eye on online resources like Yelp and Google Maps so that you can see what people are saying about your NDIS business. Doing these things will help ensure that your NDIS business sells quickly and easily.

If you're looking to sell a business in the NDIS industry, ndisforsale.com is a great option. The team is very helpful and attentive. They made the process very smooth and straightforward. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to sell an NDIS business.

Ads In Local Newspapers And Magazines

7: Buy Ads In Local Newspapers And Magazines

Local newspapers and magazines are a great way to reach potential buyers in your area. You can buy ads in these publications to get your NDIS business message. You can also sponsor events or give away products to attract the attention of potential buyers.

8: Run Ads On Craigslist And other Online Marketplaces

Running ads on Craigslist and other online marketplaces can be a great way to reach a large audience. Not only are these platforms easy to use, but they also have a large user base. This means that many people will see your ad. These platforms are also affordable, making them an excellent option for small NDIS businesses.

Email And Social Media

9: Send Email And Social Media Posts About Your Business

When starting or running an NDIS business, the first and most crucial step is to get the word out there. This can be done through email marketing, social media, and other methods. Begin by creating a solid email list. Here are some tips for getting started: 

This will help you target your advertising more accurately and provide valuable feedback about your NDIS business. 

Use social media to build relationships with potential customers and followers.

Post interesting information about your NDIS business, offer deals or promotions and conversate with followers. 

Use print and electronic advertising to reach as many people as possible.

Place ads in local newspapers, magazines, online publications, or billboards near potential customers' homes or work.

Make sure to create a strong web presence for your NDIS business.

Develop a professional website that is easy to navigate and includes essential information about your NDIS business.

Hire an expert to help you with email marketing, social media, and other marketing initiatives.

Remember to keep track of your progress and adjust your marketing plans.

10: Be Patient, Persistent And Professionally Mannered

There are a few things that you need to remember if you want to sell an NDIS business. First, you need to be patient and persistent.

Don't give up easily, even if the NDIS business seems challenging to sell. Second, always be professional in your approach; don't come across as pushy or desperate. Finally, make sure that your pricing is competitive and fair. These tips should help you sell your NDIS business successfully if done correctly.

Professionally Mannered woman in black jacket sitting on chair


Selling your NDIS business can be a lucrative endeavour. Follow these tips, and you'll be on your way to making money.